Grupo Mecánica de Fluidos UNEX | Projects and Patents
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Main projects



Name of the project: Microfluidic techniques for the production and manipulation of materials in Biotechnology (PID2019-108278RB-C32)

Entity of realization: Universidad de Extremadura

Main researchers: Emilio José Vega Rodríguez and José María Montanero Fernández

Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)

Start-end date: 01/06/2020 – 31/05/2023



Name of the project: Study of the production and control of microfluidic structures. Applications in medicine and biotechnology (DPI2016-78887-C3-2-R)

Entity of realization: Universidad de Extremadura

Main researcher: José María Montanero Fernández

Funding entity: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain)

Start-end date: 01/01/2017 – 12/31/2019



Name of the project: Key facilitator technologies for health, energy and manufacturing (DPI2013-46485-C3-2-R)

Entity of realization: Universidad de Extremadura

Main researcher: José María Montanero Fernández

Funding entity: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain)

Start-end date: 01/01/2014 – 12/31/2016



Name of the project: Advanced control and multidisciplinary technological applications

of multiphase flows in the micro/nano-scale (DPI2010-21103-C04-04)

Entity of realization: University of Extremadura

Main researcher: Jose María Montanero Fernández

Funding entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)

Start-end date: 01/01/2011 – 12/31/2013



Name of the project: Japanese and european space research experiment on marangoni instabilities (JEREMI)

Entity of realization: Universidad de Extremadura and others

Main researcher: Satoshi Matsumoto

Funding entity: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Japan)

Start-end date: 01/01/2008 – 31/12/2012



Name of the project: Study and design of applications, methods, physics, and design of devices for the generation of capillary jets and mass production of particles, aerosols, and micro and nanometric foams (DPI2007-63559)

Entity of realization: Universidad de Extremadura and others

Main researcher: Alfonso Miguel Gañán Calvo

Funding entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)

Start-end date: 01/10/2007 – 30/09/2010



Name of the project: Theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics of liquid bridges under simulated microgravity conditions (ESP2003-02859)

Entity of realization: Universidad de Extremadura

Main researcher: José María Montanero Fernández

Funding entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain)

Start-end date: 01/12/2003 – 30/11/2006



Title registered industrial property: Producción de chorros capilares viscoelásticos mediante enfocamiento gaseoso (“The production of viscoelastic capillary jets with gaseous flow focusing”)

Inventors/authors/obtainers: A. M. Gañán-Calvo; J. M. Montanero; E. J. Vega; A. Ponce-Torres

Entity holder of rights: Universidad de Sevilla

Nº of application: 201531844

Country of inscription: Spain

Date of register: 18/12/2015



Title registered industrial property: Método y dispositivos para la producción de micro- y nano-burbujas (“Method and devices for the production of micro and nanobubbles”)

Inventors/authors/obtainers: A. M. Gañán-Calvo; M. A. Herrada; J. M. Montanero

Entity holder of rights: Universidad de Sevilla

Nº of application: 201300494

Country of inscription: Spain

Date of register: 10/05/2013



Title registered industrial property: Procedimiento y dispositivo para microfabricación y microsoldadura (“Procedure and device for microfabrication and micro-welding”)

Inventors/authors/obtainers: M. G. Cabezas; E. J. Vega; J. M. Montanero; M. A. Herrada; A. M. Gañán-Calvo

Entity holder of rights: Universidad de Extremadura

Nº of application: 201200170

Country of inscription: Spain

Date of register: 22/12/2012